My Queen Shines on my Childhood Tree by Rahmeh Innab

 My Queen Shines on my Childhood Tree
 Rahmeh Innab

Oh mother,I am still a child and childhood has left my little wings between the branches of the mulberry tree beneath its fades my laughs were flying over and racing bird songs. I can remember how my swing could draw blue dreams so wide up on the sky-board. I still hear your shiny voice sliding in the rainbow down to my heart raising my tinny green spikes swinging between my arteries. My queen! I can’t tell you how the whispers of that amazing tree visits my mind and spreads fruits of shinny days all over through your beloved eyes glowingly.

Rahmeh Innab is a Palestinian poetess and she is a member of the Tajdeed Literary Institute and the International Prose Poetry Society. Her name appeared in Tajdeed literary magazine and Arcs magazine for prose poetry. She writes in Arabic and English.